Help, my cup is stuck - How to get it out
First of all: we don't want to alarm you. Not everyone who uses a menstrual cup will experience it feeling 'stuck', but it is common for first-time users and it is nothing to worry about.
And to reassure you: it can NOT get 'lost' inside you. It literally has nowhere to go!
If you're having trouble getting your cup out: try our handy guide below, to help you remove your cup.
Step 1: wash your hands
Obviously! We don't want any unwanted bacteria in our precious vagigis, right?
Step 2: Relax
If you’re stressed, your pelvic floor muscles will tense up, making removal that much more difficult. Take a few deep breaths and find a comfortable position. Squatting (in the shower) is a tried-and-tested position because it helps open up the pelvis and makes the vaginal canal shorter, often helping your cup lower itself a little.
Step 3: locate your cup
Ok, silly step, we all know it's in your vagina, but where is it exactly? With your index finger, reach in and locate it. Can you feel it? If your cup is upside down or sideways: use your finger to slightly guide it so that it’s sitting upright. This will make removal easier. Important tip: Don’t just pull on the ring! You first need to release the suction.
Step 4: push!
Like you'd be on the toilet, "push" the cup out with your pelvic floor muscles and abdominal muscles. This will lower the cup even more down your vagina.
Step 5: break the seal
Insert your index finger again and break the suction seal by pushing your finger on one of the sides, or by pushing down on the rim.
Step 6: pull the ring
Once the suction seal is broken, you can gently pull the ring at the base of the cup to pull the cup out.